Grau en Disseny



Iconography & Communication

Professor/a: Jorge Luis Marzo, Roc Albalat


“Iconography and Communication”subject belongs to the Culture Area. It explores: 1) the formation, evolution and interpretation of images through patterns -Iconography-; 2) the interpretation and continuity of images in cultural systems -Iconology-; 3) the constitution of image systems in the general set of the linguistic regime -Semiotics-; 3) the frames, formats, contexts and media that convey and shape the general set of signs and statements -Communication-. Iconography is the social science that deals with the meaning and sense of images in relation to an interpretative framework determined by culture (cultures). In general, communicative regimes always lean towards an alphabet of images rather than of spoken or written words. The comprehension and evaluation of this alphabet is the key to this exciting subject.

Objectius de l'assignatura

-Comprehension of the relationship between iconographic systems and the social and cultural contexts in which they are created and in which they are perceived.

-Properly identify the meaning of signs in relation to the media and systems in which they are inserted.

-Understanding of the role and effects of patterns and models in iconographic methodologies.

-Understanding the genealogy and development of the symbolic worlds of the image through time and space.

-Ability to construct the most appropriate messages and strategies when communicating both the ideas and formalization of a project.

-Awareness of the influence of stereotypes in contemporary communication and proposal of possible alternatives.

-Understanding and exploring the specificity of the technical media in shaping and transmitting images and the messages they convey.

-Understanding, shape and explore databases and visual archives.

-Research and perform with coherence and consistency the tasks of collective project management (art direction).

-Ability to interpret, present and transmit with clarity and synthesis the objectives, procedures and results of a communication project.

Relació de continguts


-Introduction to the history of the image interpretation.

-Introduction to a science of images, beyond the History of Art.

-Image categories

-Map of classical iconographic sources: History of Art, church, state institutions, communication and mass entertainment media, advertising.

-Alternative and circumstantial iconographic sources: social, cultural and political environments. Counter-iconographies.


-Historical genealogy of iconographic paradigms. Creation and maintenance of iconographic systems.

-Image patterning techniques. Case studies

-Technologies of iconographic analysis

-Sciences and their institutionalized typologies.

-Iconographic consensus and dissension.



-Foundations of the iconological sciences. Visual philology

-Relations between iconology and other human and social sciences.

-Aby Warburg and the pathology of images.

-Cultural Analytics and iconological formations



-Semiotics: procedures, sources and schools.

-Sign, symbol, metaphor, allegory. Linguistic tropes.

-Stereotype and communication.

-The reception of images. From idolatry to iconoclasm.

-The image as text.

-Pre and post-digital visual identity.

-Editing, photomontage, videographic and filmic editing.

-Image, certainty and falsehood. Image and verisimilitude.

-The affective image: causes and effects. Hot images versus cold images.

-Signals, information, the interface image.


-Research and creation of documentary sources.

-Media, formats and audiences in the direction of projects.

-Elaboration and communication of visual projects.

-Informative iconography.

-Iconographic consistency in artistic direction.

-Iconographic translation in literature and vice versa.


-Basic elements of human communication.

-Basic theories of communication.

-Causes and effects between the communicational technique and the social space.

-Reality and sign: re-presentation.

-Communication policies: problem analysis.

Activitats d'Avaluació

Realització de treballs o projectes

Criteris específics

Evaluation activities
-3 evaluable exercises:
• Individual exposures on pattern analysis.
• Genealogy of images (iconological foundation)
• Golden Record (iconographic creation)

– Observation of the participation and follow-up of the work performed
– Open presentation of the exercises

Specific criteria
-3 evaluable exercises:
• Individual exposures on pattern analysis (30% of the final grade).
• Genealogy of images (iconological foundation) (30% of the final grade)
• Golden Record (iconographic creation) (40% of the final grade)

Evaluation criteria
– Works presentation: punctuality and oral exposition.
-Reports and exhibitions:
• Reflect the research and criteria used
• Singularity in the literary perspective and quality.
• Correct citation of sources and references
• Good layout and editing

– Willingness for teamwork and the search for synergies

Metodologies docents

Sessions de treball amb tot el grup classe

Altres metodologies docents

 El caso de una situación de emergencia sanitaria que implique nuevo confinamiento, la docencia se trasladará a la virtualidad en su totalidad  y se adecuará la metodología a este nuevo contexto.

Activitats formatives

Teaching methodologies

  • Working sessions with the whole class
  • Working sessions in small groups
  • Individual tutoring sessions
  • Group tutoring sessions
  • Sessions of individual autonomous work
  • Sessions of autonomous group work

Educational activities

  • Exemplary professor’s presentation
  • Simulations, games, dynamics, role play, dramatizations, etc.
  • Debates, colloquiums, conversations or discussion groups.
  • Oral presentations and project defenses
  • Reading and comprehension of texts and elaboration of literary texts, reports or summaries.
  • Research of bibliographic information, documentary research
  • Design, planning and/or development of intervention/research proposals.
  • External visitsInternal visits by professionals



BELTING, H., 2007. Antropología de la imagen. Madrid: Katz.

BREDEKAMP, H., 2017. Teoría del acto icónico. Madrid: Akal.

BRIGGS, Asa Briggs; BURKE, Peter, 2002. De Gutenberg a Internet. Una historia social de los medios de comunicación. Madrid: Taurus.

DIDI-HUBERMAN, Georges. 2009. La imagen superviviente. Madrid: Adaba

FAROCKI, H., 2013. Desconfiar de las imágenes. Buenos Aires: Caja Negra.

FREEDBERG, David, 2009. El poder de las imágenes. Madrid: Cátedra.

GLEICK, James, 2012. La información. Historia y realidad. Barcelona: Crítica.

GOMBRICH, Ernst, 2011. Los usos de las imágenes. Madrid: Phaidon.

GOODMAN, N., 1976. Los lenguajes del arte. Una aproximación a la teoría de los signos. Barcelona: Seix Barral.

GREIMAS, A. J., 1989 (1983). Del sentido II. Ensayos semióticos. Madrid: Gredos.

JUNG, Carl G., 1995 (1961). El hombre y sus símbolos. Barcelona: Paidós.

MARZO, J.L., 2019. Iconografía post-millennial. Barcelona: Morsa.

MARZO, J.L., 2021. Las videntes. Imágenes en la era de la predicción. Barcelona: Arcàdia.

MITCHELL, W.J.T., 2019. La ciencia de la imagen. Iconología, cultura visual y estética de los medios. Madrid: Akal.

PANOFSKY, E., 2001. Estudios sobre iconología. Madrid: Alianza.

RIPA, Cesare, 2007 (1593). Iconología. Madrid: Akal.

ROBERTS, Helene. 1998. Encyclopedia of Comparative Iconography. London: Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers.

SCHOR, Gabriele, 2016. Feminist Avant-Garde Art from the 1970s SAMMLUNG VERBUND Collection. Vienna: Prestel.

STRATEN, Rudolf van. 2000. An introduction to Iconography. London: Taylor& Francis.

WARBURG, A., 2010. Atlas Mnemosyne. Madrid: Akal.

YATES, Frances, 2011 (1966). El arte de la memoria. Madrid: Siruela.



AGAMBEN, Giorgio, 2008 (2003). Què vol dir ser contemporani?. Barcelona: Arcàdia.

BERGER, John, 2011 (1980). Mirar. Barcelona: Gustavo Gili.

DIDI-HUBERMAN, Georges, 2008 (2000). Ante el tiempo. Historia del arte y anacronismo de las imágenes. Buenos Aires: Adriana Hidalgo.

FONTCUBERTA, Joan, 2011. Indiferencias fotográficas y ética de la imagen periodística. Gustavo Gili: Barcelona.

HARAWAY, Donna, 2019. Seguir con el problema. Generar parentesco en el Chthuluceno. Bilbao: Consonni.

MARZO, J.L., 2003. Me, Mycell and I. Tecnología, movilidad y vida social. Barcelona: Fundació Antoni Tàpies.

MARZO, J.L., 2017. Espectres. Barcelona: ICUB.

MARZO, J.L., 2018. La competencia de lo falso. Una historia del fake. Madrid: Cátedra.

PAPINI, Giovanni, 2012 (1931). Gog. Barcelona: DeBolsillo.

RANCIÈRE, Jacques, 2010 (2008). El espectador emancipado. Castellón: Ellago.

Titulació:Grau en Disseny
Semestre:1er / 2on semestre segons grup
Crèdits ECTS:6
Codi Assignatura:GDF061
Tipus:Formació bàsica
Dept. de coordinació:Departament de Contextos culturals
Assignatures prèvies recomanades:
Assignatures posteriors recomanades:
Darrera actualització: set. 23, 2024


Competencies generals
CG2. Projectar els valors de la sostenibilitat i la inclusió en la pràctica professional com a dissenyadors contemporanis, operant de manera respectuosa amb la diversitat, atès diferents contextos i usuaris.

Competències bàsiques
CB5. Que els estudiants hagin desenvolupat les habilitats daprenentatge necessàries per emprendre estudis posteriors amb un alt grau dautonomia.
Competències transversals
CT1. Actuar amb esperit i reflexió crítica davant el coneixement, en totes les seves dimensions mostrant inquietud intel.lectual, cultural i científica i amb compromís cap al rigor i la qualitat en l’exigència professional.
, CT5. Exercir la ciutadania activa i la responsabilitats individual amb el compromís en els valors democràtics, de sostenibilitat i de disseny universal, a partir de pràctiques basades en l’aprenentatge i servei i la inclusió social.
, CT6. Emprar diferents formes de comunicació tant orals com escrites o audiovisuals, tant en llengua pròpia com estrangera, amb correcció en l’ús, la forma i el contingut.
, CT7. Esdevenir l’actor principal del propi procés formatiu orientat cap a la millora personal i professional i, per adquirir una formació integral que permeti aprendre a conviure en un context de diversitat lingüística i amb realitats socials, culturals, de gènere i econòmiques molt diverses.
Competències específiques
CE8. Dominar l’ús dels codis de comunicació estètics i simbòlics, així com el llenguatge específic del disseny, per tal d’adequar la intenció comunicativa del projecte proposat a la percepció real de l’usuari.

Resultats d'aprenentatge:

Differentiates between the different communicational fields and takes a critical position.

Analyzes and identifies the historical, social, cultural and technical contexts of communication systems.

Understands and applies the principles of semiotics in the construction and interpretation of the communicational language.

Communicates to all types of audiences, specialized or not (clients, manufacturers, suppliers), in a clear and precise way, knowledge, methodologies, ideas, problems and solutions.

Shows respect for linguistic, social and cultural diversity.

Shows skills for critical reflection in the processes linked to the exercise of the profession.

Analyzes ethically situations of injustice and inequality and proposes compensation measures.

Uses the audiovisual language and the different resources to express and present continguts related to the specific knowledge of the field.

Shows skills for analysis from a global and integral perspective, relating social, cultural, economic and political elements as appropriate.

Uses language that respects the issue of gender, both in oral and written productions